As is the custom, I'm making some resolutions this year. They're all quite major tasks but hopefully they're achievable. Two are for fun and the other two are a bit more serious so, in no particular order...
i) Extension/decorating. Our garage roof is leaking more and more and we want a combined utility room and downstairs bathroom so the grand plan is to demolish the existing garage and rebuild it. We need to get some plans drawn up and then get a builder in. As part of this task I'm also trying to finish jobs once I've started them in less time (the attic is still on-going and the hall took well over a year to finish)! Ideally I'd like to re-decorate the bathroom and the lounge this year as well.
ii) Job. I'm going to start job-hunting. Current job has gone a bit crap and I think it's time to move on. As part of this I'm going to force myself to learn C# properly.
iii) Website. I've been running my site from my local machine for the best part of five years or so now so it's about time I actually published it to a real server and unleashed it on the world. I'll probably do it as a cut-down version to start with and expand it over time. It's not the most flashy graphical site you'll find but it's got lots of data to play with so should be worthwhile. With a bit of luck I can do this before the end of the summer.
iv) Bookies. This one is probably the hardest! I've been playing the bookies for a while and if I'm disciplined I think I can make some money. Granted, it'll probably not be a lot, but I'm going to keep a diary and not get greedy and I want to end the year by making a profit.
Come back this time next year for the evaluation panel and results!